NDC Services
Service | IATA | Description |
AirShopping |
15.2 17.2 |
Returns priced availability offers for requested origin and destination, cabin and date.It returns the cheapest available offer together with higher classes of service and their product descriptions. |
FlightPrice OfferPrice |
16.2 17.2 |
Returns a price quote and product description for the specified flight product including the taxes, fare details, penalties, special needs, flight details, etc. |
SeatAvailiability |
15.2 17.2 |
Displays priced seatmaps for the flights in the selected offer. |
BaggageList ServiceList |
15.2 17.2 |
Displays a baggage catalogue of items for the selected offer. |
OrderCreate |
16.2 17.2 |
Creates a booking for the supplied itinerary and passenger details, returning an OrderID. |
OrderRetrieve |
16.2 17.2 |
Retrieves an existing Order. |
OrderChange |
16.2 17.2 |
Allows orders to be changed. Presently this service allows fhe following:
AirDocIssue | 16.2 | This service is to pay for an existing order for which the time limit has not expired. |
ItinReShop OfferReShop |
16.2 17.2 |
There are two options:
OrderCancel |
16.2 17.2 |
Cancel an existing Order. |
OrderList |
16.2 17.2 |
Returns a list of orders that have been created previously. The list returned will only contain those Orders created by the same entity requesting the list. |