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The Cars service returns a list of car rental offers for the destinations and departure flight date specified.

The latest version number of the Cars cars resource is v1.

You can try this live service using I/O docs if you Register or Sign in with your Mashery ID.

Version Information

The most recent version of the Cars API is version 1. Previous versions are shown below.

Version Status End-of-life date
v1.0 Current N/A

API Endpoints

Cars has a REST API endpoint. Click here for more information on using British Airways Rest APIs.

The endpoints available are:

Endpoint URL
Live https://api.ba.com/rest-v1/v1/cars
Test N/A

API Methods

Method URL Resource Description
GET cars;destination=MIA;pickUpDate=2014-03-14T12:00:00Z;dropOffDate=2014-03-16T12:00:00Z; Returns car offers for the desired destination for the specified pick-up and drop-off dates.
GET cars;destination=ORY;pickUpDate=2014-03-14T12:00:00Z;duration=1; Returns car offers for the desired destination for the specified pick-up date and duration.
GET cars;destination=NYC;pickUpDate=2014-03-14T12:00:00Z;dropOffDate=2014-03-16T12:00:00Z;type=Automatic; Returns car offers for the desired destination for the specified pick-up/drop-off dates and cartype.
GET cars;destination=JFK;pickUpDate=2014-03-14T12:00:00Z;duration=1;groupIdentifier=A; Returns car offers for the desired destination for the specified pick-up date /duration and groupIdentifier.
GET cars;destination=LHR;pickUpDate=2014-03-14T12:00:00Z;duration=2;type=Manual;groupIdentifier=V; Returns car offers for the desired destination for the specified pick-up date /duration, type and groupIdentifier.

HTTP Headers

Header Name Description Mandatory? In/Outbound Example
client-key Your unique key used to authorise access to the API. Yes Inbound n/a

Search Parameters

The various search parameters are described below:

Name Description Format Default Example Allowed values
destination Destination where car is required for hire IATA 3 character city code N/A MIA Valid British Airways served airports
pickUpDate Date from when on you need the car YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ N/A 2014-03-10T12:00:00Z => today and <= today + 365
dropOffDate Date till when you need the car YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ N/A 2014-03-10T12:00:00Z => today and <= today + 365
duration Number of days car is required Numeric N/A 2 Any number
type Type of the car required Text N/A Automatic Automatic / Manual
groupIdentifier Group of the car required char N/A V A, V, S etc.

type, groupIdenitifer are optional.

Either drop-off Date or duration must be specified.

Supported Status Codes

You can view the standard status codes returned by our APIs here.